Thursday 15 November 2012

lesson 7 making sledge hammer

Making sledge hammer in max
Look at images of hammer for reference 

Create a cylinder and change the sides to 10 in the parametres the reason we do this is because this item isn’t going to be seen up close by the player so it doesn’t need that much detail.Change the height to 3 segments for the same reason. 

Once we have the basic cylinder use the scale tool to scale it in on the X axes to give it a more handle looking shape. (scale tool located in the top tool bar), turn the object into editable poly and select both rings of edges in the centre of the object. (click one edge then click loop or double click another edge)

Scale the edges in on the Y axes until it looks more like a handle, if the model still looks to wide select by element and scale by eye until it looks more realistic. Select the bottom face and right click bevel, change the bevel accordingly to look of the image you used as research.
After you have finished modelling the hammers handle go into the top view and by eye drag out a box over the handle, give this object 3 segments in the length and it is important that the center of the box is align with the center of the hammer.

Select both the box and the handle and then click the align button which is located in the top tool bar (looks like 2 tabs) click both centre in the pop up tab that comes up and click apply followed by click maximum on both by only in the Z axes, click apply and ok.

Go into edge mode on the head of the hammer and ctrl select both edges on ether end, use the ring tool to select a ring of edges around the hammer as shown below.

Right click and select the tick box next to chamfer, change the chamfer until it looks as much like your reference as you can.  After you have chamfered you hammer inset both the end polygons and move them around until there is a slight roundness at each end.

Modifier, unwrap uvw and then go into polygon selection, click the end polygon and click the little plus in the uv tab to grow selection. Once you have the centre polygon and all the surrounding polygons around it go into the projection drop down and click plane, unselect plan and move the selection out of the way, repeat for other side.

Modifier, unwrap uvw and then go into polygon selection, click the end polygon and click the little plus in the uv tab to grow selection. Once you have the centre polygon and all the surrounding polygons around it go into the projection drop down and click plane, unselect plan and move the selection out of the way, repeat for other side.  Do the rest of the hammer in the same way except use the cylinder mapping not the plane. Remember to convert to editable poly after to bake in information.

Do the same for the handle.
Click the handle then go to attach,after clicking attack click the hammer head and then click off attack to make sure your not attaching more things in the scene.

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