Monday, 18 February 2013

peer tutoring (lesson 1)

Saturday 16th February 2013

today i took a peer session  in the following topic (modelling, texturing and importing into UDK)
however only one person turned up to this session, the person that turned up was from film and was interested to learn new skills.

over this session i taught the following

  • how to navagate around 3DS Max 
  • how to make basic shapes 
  • how to convert to editable poly 
  • how edges, vertexs and polys work 
  • how to make a crate 
  • how to render 
  • how to add a light source 
i will plan another session soon on more suitable day

Zbrush monster

this is my zbrush monster after the tutorial lesson

this is my monster after i began to add details to it after the lesson using zspheres and inflation.

oranges in 3DS Max

these are oranges i made in 3DS Max

how they where made:
first i took a sphere and pulled out the two end rings at each end to form the stalks, holding shift i moved the full orange to one side to create a copy, i cut the copy in half and then capped the end to create the half orange.

how they where textured:
when i unwraped the models i used spherical projection mapping to make sure that the texture would be evenly spread across the whole mesh, in Photoshop i made a tiled texture out of a segment of an orange skin and filed a layer with it, to create the ends i first found a image of a orange that was turned on its side and then selected and copied the stalk, placing the stalks over the end parts of the uv map i used the clone tool and smudge tool to blend the two textures together.

normal mapping: i used crazy bump to create a normal map for this texture, i set the intensity low so that the seems between the tiling wouldn't show.

old pieces of 3D work (Maya)

these are some of my old works from when i was studying autodesk maya, i still think that my maya work is of a higher quality and realism than my max work at the moment however i studied maya for three years and I've only had 3DS Max for four months, my hopes are high that i will be able to get to this standard by the end of the year.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

animated dumpster

this is a dumpster we made in lukes lesson, later on i added the voices using audcity

Friday, 8 February 2013

Reopening my tutorial channel

Ive had a few requests to start doing tutorials again so ill be opening my tutorial channel again, ill uploading max and udk tutorials soon. Channel: darkcapersmayatutorials

Monday, 4 February 2013

teaching further education students

Thursday 2nd February

today i went down to St Austell college as a guest lecturer to teach a first year 3d modelling class, i will be teaching them how to create a mac screen within Autodesk Maya.

reference image used

at the start of the class i made the mistake of not telling the class to create a box, this was because im so use to making it subconsciously, once this beginners mistake the progress of creating the screen step by step began to increase in momentum.
during each step i walked around the class room to cheek that everyone was at the same place, this gave me a good idea of the level of each students experience.
the models where finished without to many problems and because of this i plan to go back and teach again however first i need to research unisex objects and how im going to break it down.

  • point on the white board and not my screen 
  • turn wire frame on so students can see clearly 
  •  use correct language 
  • have all files on J drive before class