these are oranges i made in 3DS Max
how they where made:
first i took a sphere and pulled out the two end rings at each end to form the stalks, holding shift i moved the full orange to one side to create a copy, i cut the copy in half and then capped the end to create the half orange.
how they where textured:
when i unwraped the models i used spherical projection mapping to make sure that the texture would be evenly spread across the whole mesh, in Photoshop i made a tiled texture out of a segment of an orange skin and filed a layer with it, to create the ends i first found a image of a orange that was turned on its side and then selected and copied the stalk, placing the stalks over the end parts of the uv map i used the clone tool and smudge tool to blend the two textures together.
normal mapping: i used crazy bump to create a normal map for this texture, i set the intensity low so that the seems between the tiling wouldn't show.