Monday 4 February 2013

teaching further education students

Thursday 2nd February

today i went down to St Austell college as a guest lecturer to teach a first year 3d modelling class, i will be teaching them how to create a mac screen within Autodesk Maya.

reference image used

at the start of the class i made the mistake of not telling the class to create a box, this was because im so use to making it subconsciously, once this beginners mistake the progress of creating the screen step by step began to increase in momentum.
during each step i walked around the class room to cheek that everyone was at the same place, this gave me a good idea of the level of each students experience.
the models where finished without to many problems and because of this i plan to go back and teach again however first i need to research unisex objects and how im going to break it down.

  • point on the white board and not my screen 
  • turn wire frame on so students can see clearly 
  •  use correct language 
  • have all files on J drive before class

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