Wednesday 17 October 2012

lesson 4 model from reference

  • ·         Created a plane in the front view 48 width by 60 height and then click the shaded option in the wire frame tab (top left of the screen.

  • ·         Press g to get rid of the grid then open the material editor and open the shield image as a defused map, then drag it onto the image.
  • ·         Next we want to freeze the plane so right click the plane and go into object properties, tick the box that says freeze and untick the box that says frozen objects in grey.
  • ·         Create another plane with 4 widths and 6 length right click and go into object properties again and select see through.
  • ·         Turn plane into editable poly and select vertex
  • ·         Using the scale tool scale the verts until they match up with the image starting from the middle.

·         Use the move tool to fix some of the verts that didn’t line up correctly
  • ·         Select by boarder and click on the far outer edge then hold shift and drag back to give the object some depth, make it no see through in the same way you made it see through.

  • ·         Go into the modifier tab and select fD 4 4 4 which gives us a modifier control, go into the editable tab and select the 4 central control points and move them to give some curvature.

  • ·         Convert back into editable poly and then apply a uvw map, flatten mapping in the mapping option.
  • ·         Control I to invert the selection and then click unfold mapping to get the other polygons from the shields boarder.
  • ·         Then as a previous lesson render the image as a map and save it as a jpeg, open in Photoshop
  • ·         Texture the shield and skirting and then save as a Photoshop file.
  • ·         Create a bump map, specular map and color map
  • ·         Use levels to create the spec and bump maps and use the color option in the moderfier list to create the color map
  • ·         Apply the maps the same way you added the diffused map but in there appropriate sections.


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