Monday 3 December 2012

makeing hall and living room day 2

on the seconded day of modelling after i had finished blocking out my environment i decided to start making the more simple low poly models, these models included a bookcase, one book (to be duplicated) and a  plug socket.

the first object i started working on was the book case, the reason for this is the design is very simple and most of the work will be in the texturing and mapping rather than the modelling. i started with a 112 unit rectangle and converted it to a editable poly, i then began marking out where i wanted the shelves to be using the connect too, once i was happy with the lay out i selected the shelves and the holes between, after i had them selected i extruded them in a little to give the shelves some difration from the rest of the book shelf.

once i was happy with the indent of the shelves i extruded the rest inwards giving the result above.

to make the book i first started with a small rectangle and converted it to editable poly, i selected the two end edges and chamfered them to give the book a rounded spin, once i was happy with the curv of the spin i selected the polygon on the top/ on the front side, and bottom of the book and inset to make pages, this was followed by extruding inwards. 

the insetting and extruding can be seen in the image above.

making the plug socket was the easiest to plan out because of its square shape. i started out with a box that had been shrunk down on its length and converted to editable poly, i then chamfered all the front edges by 3 to give the edges a rounded feel, after i was happy with the roundness of the edges i used to connect tool to mark of where i wanted the holes. 

i extruded the holes inwards and used the chamfer to round them off slightly on the inside. 

the on off switch is a simple rectangle with its edges chamfered, i then rotated the rectangle a little to give the impression that it was a switch in the on position.

the last object i stared today was my fireplace, the only thing i am doing today on its is getting the basic shape using the connect tool and extrude, after converting to editable poly i used the connect tool to line out the two outer supports and the top of the fire place, i then extruded the inner square in before deleting it. 

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