Saturday 1 December 2012

modeling hall and living room day 1

on the first day of making my model i blocked out the environment from concept art images that i had drawn to figure out how i wanted the room to look, to draw these images i used reference from photos of Victorian styled houses.
the lay out it self is slightly different to my original design for the following reasons, the first reason is scale the table in my drawing is way to big compared to the size of the room so i looked up large dinner table diameters and chose a table that i thought suited the style im going for. the second reason is in my first design i had the living room and kitchen all in one space (open planned living) however i chose to go back to a earlier style with a separate smaller kitchen and larger living space.
even thought the block out if complete the room is quite empty still this is because items like book cases ill make singular then duplicate them this also apples to smaller items like light switches and plates.
tomorrow i will get started on some of the lowest poly objects in the scene such as the book shelves, books and doors.

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