Thursday 27 December 2012

old cracked football

fully rendered image:
the scene set up:
the football:
the ball its self did not start out as a sphere at all it in fact started out as a hedra, this is the tutorial i used to learn the basics of how to create a more complex object such as football with is a circle made up of pentagons and hexagons.
the grass:
the grass is a vray fur, to get vray fur first go into the create tab and change the drop down from standard to vray. once in vray select vray fur after selecting the object you wish the grass to be emitted from. at first this fur will look nothing like grass in fact in my case it looked more like flat wood chippings, to change this default appearance go into the modifier tab and change the following stats (this will be different depending on the scale and the type of grass you want) length, bend, gravity and tapper. to give your grass some variation in sizes increase the length in the variation section and most importantly if your object doesn't have many subdivisions set distribution to by area but if your object has a high level of subdivisions have it set to by face.   
the texture is a standard green blinn however i may go back and change this later on for a more detailed bitmap.
the most important part of the model is its bump map, the bump map is a black and white outline of leather and not just a leather image which has had its color removed, the difference is the outline isnt effected by light that was used to illuminate the leather image.
the light set up: 
the light for this scene is a vray physical sun (a good pointer is to make sure you created it facing the correct way as i spent a good 20 minutes trying to work out why my scene was so dark) the only change i made to the light node was the intensity multiplier which i set to 0.015.
the camera:
 the camera is a vray physical camera with standard setting all at default.
the render settings: 
  • renderer is vray
  • the render size is video hd 
  • all other setting are set to vrays default 

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