Monday 14 January 2013

low poly unit feed back

feed back from:

tony: (ex tutor)
tony my ex 3D tutor said that my environment looked good and my progression in 3D modelling was moving along at a fast pace however the lighting could be improved to make the models look more realistic( i plan to edit the lighting to make my environment  appear as if its lit by the fireplace and candles.
Olivia and Bethany: ( illustrators 
the two illustrators i met in the library said the following statements about my models, my enviroment had a Victorian house feel however it looks more plastic than realistic(i can fix this by altering the lighting later on)
my key looked very realistic and at first tricked them into thinking it was real, my ball looks realistic but the grass doesn't and it was this that gave it away and finally my pokemon looked real however 
my peers said that my work was of a good standard however a few things they picked up on were the fact the carpet is slightly pixelated and the photo frame in the background is to light for the environment its in (i will change both of these things when i start adding more models to the scene as im using this environment to show development)
lecturer :
the lecturer thought that my model looks high poly even if there not.

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