Saturday 5 January 2013

makeing hall and living room day 6

this is day three of making my models, today i will be making a chair to go with my Victorian styled table.
 to make the chair first find a good reference image or concept art piece to work from, then starting with the seat part of the chair draw out a box about one and a half feet wide then scale it down on its Y axis, add connects around the outside edge, where they over lap in the corners squares will be formed.
 select two of the top corner squares and extrude them up as high as the back of the chair in the reference image, add two or three connects going up the back of the chair so that you can arc the back slightly.
using the move tool move the top and middle connects on the back of the chair until they form a slight curve then use the rotate tool to rotate the edge lines until the curve is more fluid.
select all four corner squares on the bottom and extrude them down about two and a half to three feet these will be the chairs leg.
finally make two more connects down at the bottom of the back of the chair and then selecting the two squares on the inside extrude them towards each other, when they are about one third each of the way across delete the top faces and bridge them together. (do the same to the top of the chair)
select the top center face of the bottom bar on the back of the chair and extrude it up towards its corresponding part on the bottom of the top bar, delete the faces and weld each vert to its opposite  number.
now the basics of the chair are made you can add as many details as you like, in my case i added a rounded crest to the top, extruded a cushion out of the center and chamfered the legs and sides of the back.

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