Sunday 20 January 2013

making a fountain pen in max (practice to keep effectiveness in modelling up)

this is a fountain pen i modeled using a basic reference to get the shape and then from there started adding my own touches, the red glossy pattern on both the pen and the cap started off as a green Chinese dragon that i found online, i started by changing the dragons color from green to a blood red and then chopping and changing parts for ones i preferred more. (this gave the the base for the pattern)  after making the dragon more to my liking i then took a dirt texture and multiplied it over the top to give the dragon a faded look, then i combined the two textures and dropped there fill to show the black back ground behind more (making pattern semi transparent)
the second change i made to my design was the head of the pen, originally i was going to keep it plain chrome but after much thought i decided to add a engraving from an old wall tile i found + a bump map to add character and depth.
the lighting for this model is vray but with this object instead of keeping the light standard i changed the shadow setting so that the shadows have a softer fall off and have a greater amount of detail, if you are going to do this make sure its for one of your final renders as it increases rendering time exponentially.

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