Thursday 3 January 2013

makeing hall and living room day 3

this is day three of my living room and hallway environment 
to make the old styled table legs i started with a cylinder and added a few connects to add segments and add vertexs, starting from the top i began to pull the verts out in all axes to change the wideness at certain points, by changing the width at certain points the leg begins to take shape giving of the impression of circles and rings that aren't really there.

after getting the general shape if the chair leg i went into polygon mode and started dividing the object into different smoothing groups, the way i divided the model was simple every part where the model became bottle necked i added a new smoothing group, this gave the object the appearance of being made up from many different shapes.

the image above shows the finished table leg all smoothed and rendered in its correct place.

to make the table first make a rectangle and convert to editable poly, select the four corners in edge more and click chamfer, chamfer the edges about one fifth of the table then make sure to click the tick or ull have to select the edges again.
next add four connects down the height and scale in the top and bottom slightly to five a chamfered  feel to the top and bottom of the table even though it hasnt been, finally select the center row of polygon then scale them up so that they make up eighty percent of the side, extrude them in slightly to add detail.

add smoothing groups to the different segments of the table, the different segments can be clearly seen everywhere there is a solid line.

i decided to make the wine glass using both maya and max, the reason for this is i feel the extruding controls are less stiff in maya and more suited to curved objects like a wine glass, however on the other and i will also be using max's smoothing groups to make this object look real but at the same time low poly. 
i started by importing a background plan into maya, to do this go into view / image plane and then select the image you want to use as reference, after i had the image in place i draw out a sphere and chopped it in half, from this half sphere i took the top row of verts and moved them to the top of the glass in my reference image.

i began to move the rest of the verts so that they fitted the rest of the glass, select the bottom circle of faces where all the verts meet and extrude down, add a few connects so that you can scale out and mold the bottom of the glass.

to export the object first select it and it and go to export, select OBJ and click export, once in max you will have to reset the objects normals or you wont be able to apply smoothing groups.

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