Friday 4 January 2013

makeing hall and living room day 5

this is day 5 of making models for my environment, the models i will be making today are the picture frame, candle holder and adding to my fireplace.
(uses a reference image) to make the picture frame first make a rectangle and scale it to the desired size, convert to editable poly and select the front face, inset the face to about the same width of the first indent in the reference, extrude inwards slightly and repeat the first and second steps until your frame matches your reference. this technique is the simplest however if you want to use less polys you can also just do the steps once and then use a texture and bump map to fill in the rest of the detail.
to make the candle holder we will be using the same technique used to make the table leg, first draw out a cylinder and give it many divisions in the height but only a few in the sides to reduce the amount of polygons used, convert to editable poly and select the vertx mode, begin to scale each line of verts in all axes until your cylinder looks more like your reference (to make sphere like shapes make using five lines scale the top and bottom in and scale the mild line out a little) use smoothing groups to pronounce the different shapes within the model.
final render of candle holder 
i have added some more detail to my fire place to do this i simply added some more connects vertically and horizontally and then extruded them out (chamfered the edges to give them a rounder look) the hardest part was making the pillars at the front the reason for this is i had to extrude them and the ring around them then re-position the ring so that it was straight.

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